Monday, April 7, 2014

The Becca Bus!

The Becca Bus seems to be working better then we imagined! While she's not sleeping in it at night yet, she's spending all her waking moments there.

Last night she was cranky and kept going from the bus to the rv, with the dogs running in and out. Plus it's still chilly at night. So Mommy got about 3 hours sleep total. But I'm staying awake so I can get chored done, even though, where is Becca... why, she's sleeping in the bus!  It is so quiet!

Also, we found Jack a new home.  Becca hated Jack and every time she would go outside, he would want to play and she would freak out.  So while I love Jack (Most awesome goat ever!), it was just too much.

Now, that we have a managable animal population, and we have the Becca Bus, I can tell already, that things are less stressful.  I'm not even going to get any more chicks right now (until I can't resist!), because I'm getting 1-3 eggs a day, and that's plenty!  Plus I don't have to buy a ton of animal feed every week!

While I have written in a few weeks and a lot has been going on, the addition of a bus and subtraction of animals has had the biggest impact. Plus, Gordy's not working 6-7 days a week anymore!  Yay! The money was nice, but not having him here SUX!

I'm exhausted and have a ton of work to do, but I wish you all the peace and contentment I am feeling right now.  : )

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