Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pioneer Woman Meets Godzilla!

The past few weeks have just flown by!

This weekend, I went to see Godzilla with Zachary.  The theater was awesome! Reclining chairs, beer and a giant movie screen! Godzilla was great! I HAVE to go see it again!  The fights scenes were spectacular, I just wish there was more of them!  I'm really hoping they'll do a sequel.

This evening, I made homemade high protein granola bars for Gordy.  They turned out pretty good, and I don't like granola bars!  For the next batch, I'm going to try Frosted Flakes instead of oats, and add brown sugar.

This coming weekend is Burning Bridges!  The only person I know for sure that is coming is Kate. Zachary and his friends might come by on Sunday for one night.  So if you wanna come out for the weekend, email me and I'll send directions!  Booze & BBQ!!!!

Today, I didn't get ANY eggs from my girls!  I think it's getting too hot for them.  The past two days were 103 & 106.  Today was super windy (as it seems it has been for the past month!), so it wasn't that hot. Summer is DEFINITELY here! WhooHoo!!!!

Monday, April 28, 2014

April Comes to an End

It's the end of the month, and contemplating what we have accomplished.

I'm ALWAYS exhausted, especially taking care of Becca; but I have made some adjustments that have taken some of the pressure off.  First, I've downsized our pets.  Three puppies went to the pound and they said they shouldn't have any problems finding them homes. Mustard also went, but he was put down.  Nobody wanted him, and he bit Gordy 6 times, twice on the face. The pound said he was unadoptable.  Then Gordy shot at the stray Romeo, so he doesn't come around much.  Xander is now fixed, but she also had tapeworms and has Valley Fever, so she may be on medications for YEARS!

So we're down to 4 dogs, Willow, Xander, Oaloff and Trichome (one of the puppies). Much more manageable and cheaper to feed!

My two ducklings and 6 chicks are gone. Some killed by Romeo, and the others disappeared.  I thought about getting some more, but then changed my mind. Two hens and Duck Duck are enough for now, and I get 1-3 eggs per day!

Jack the goat has a new home. Becca hated him, and would scream when he came near her to play.  The first home had two other goats, but he didn't like it there. So he jumped the fence and went to another house. There he found an older couple; the husband is dying of cancer, they have lots of animals and all are allowed in the house except for the horses. Jack stays within 8 ft of the guy - he LOVES him.  I'm so happy he found himself a good home!  And Jack must really be lifting the spirits of the guy!

The other change, is that we bought a school bus for Becca!  It's now The Becca Bus. Most of her toys are in there, and we put a cot in until we get her a bed.  She spends most of her time playing in there, and even sleeps in there sometimes - it's AWESOME!  I'm finally getting some time to take care of stuff around here! YAY!!!

We also put some new fencing around plants in my garden to keep the chickens out and hopefully other critters.  So my garden is coming along nicely.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Becca Bus!

The Becca Bus seems to be working better then we imagined! While she's not sleeping in it at night yet, she's spending all her waking moments there.

Last night she was cranky and kept going from the bus to the rv, with the dogs running in and out. Plus it's still chilly at night. So Mommy got about 3 hours sleep total. But I'm staying awake so I can get chored done, even though, where is Becca... why, she's sleeping in the bus!  It is so quiet!

Also, we found Jack a new home.  Becca hated Jack and every time she would go outside, he would want to play and she would freak out.  So while I love Jack (Most awesome goat ever!), it was just too much.

Now, that we have a managable animal population, and we have the Becca Bus, I can tell already, that things are less stressful.  I'm not even going to get any more chicks right now (until I can't resist!), because I'm getting 1-3 eggs a day, and that's plenty!  Plus I don't have to buy a ton of animal feed every week!

While I have written in a few weeks and a lot has been going on, the addition of a bus and subtraction of animals has had the biggest impact. Plus, Gordy's not working 6-7 days a week anymore!  Yay! The money was nice, but not having him here SUX!

I'm exhausted and have a ton of work to do, but I wish you all the peace and contentment I am feeling right now.  : )

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Make your own CBD Oil!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


It's been a busy week so far, starting with Friday.  Me and Becca went to Vegas. Spent $346!  Picked up a soalr panel set for the greenhouse and picked up a greenhouse to use as a chicken coop. Don't know when Gordy will have any time off to build one, so we'll use this one in the meantime.

Spent Friday night with Zachary and we went to a neighborhood bar/casino and goofed off. Then back to the apt., medicated, and had an awesome chat!

A trip to Toys R Us on BOTH Friday and Saturday!  Went to the nursery Zachary works at and bought a bunch of plants and fireglass for a firepit I want to build.

Spent all day today in Kingman. Oaloff got his nuts chopped off and we brought home a baby chick to replace the dead one and couldn't resist getting two ducklings!

Well, Becca just threw my beer, gotta go!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Yesterday,  I spent most of the day in the Greenhouse, planting seeds.  My old seeds haven't been sprouting, so I spent $25 for new seeds.  Hopefully, I'll get some plants. But it's always a challenge with Jack!

Gordy is still working 6 12hr days. So far all the overtime has gone to fixing the van. Thankfully he had the overtime, otherwise we'd be screwed.

Well, we've lost 2 dogs. Mustard and one of the puppies I called Chubbies.  He was so cute with blue eyes.  2 dogs in 4 days could mean trouble.  It could be coyotes, snakes, mountain lion, fox or even bobcat. Or killed by a burro. But I haven't found any bodies. And I haven't heard coyotes for a long time.  I doubt it would be a bobcat and I haven't seen any mountain lion tracks. Plus both seemed to have disappeared during daylight.  So maybe snakes, and then coyotes take the bodies?  I just don't know. Maybe Chupacabra......

R.I.P.  Mustard and Chubbies

Friday, February 21, 2014


Me and Becca went on a 7 hour shopping trip today. My plan was getting everything done, so I'd be able to spend the day with Gordy tomorrow. But his van is broke down in Vegas, so that plan failed. : (

Anyways, we stopped at Tractor Supply and they had baby chicks!  So I HAD to buy 6 of course! One died on they way home. I hope the rest make it.

I picked up seeds to plant, because I don't think the seeds leftover from last year are going to sprout.

Jenny/Jonny was here when we got home. Man, the dogs were upset! Oh, and even though she is a he, I think he prefers being called Jenny. Can't believe we have a transgendered burro...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

75 Degees Today!

Awesome day today! Got nothing done, but I'm drinking beer and sitting by the fire with Becca. All is right in the world.

I did have a 'first world' problem today. I couldn't find my sunglasses!!!!   Oy Vey! But then the Gods smiled upon me and I found them. Thank you, Universe!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Past few days

The water guy came the other day and filled up 4 tanks. 1000 gals of water! Yay! I can't explain how it feels to have that much water stored.  It makes me feel more secure.

The past few days have been good. Been playing with the dogs a lot. Freakin' Oaloff was leading Jack around by a leash! It was awesome.

Oh, it turns out Jenny is actually JONNY!!! That thing had to be 2ft long!  Eeewwwwww

The sunsets have been great this week and so has the weather. I love it here!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Tomorrow we will have 1000 gallons of water to fill up 4 of our tanks! We have 5 - 275 gal tanks, but the valve is broken on one of them.  Plus, Gordy has been working on digging for a foundation for our gravity feed water tower. He's hoping the tower will be done by June.

Unfortunately and fortunately, Gordy is working 6 12hr days per week. Doesn't leave any time for projects, but hopefully, we'll have some nice overtime checks! Especially because his van is broke down, and he is using my car. And I still need some teeth.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

No Computer

I haven't had a working computer for a long time now. It should be fixed soon. However, we have cancelled our internet service.  But I just found this app, so hopefully, I can blog from my phone. This is my test post.