The past few weeks have just flown by!
This weekend, I went to see Godzilla with Zachary. The theater was awesome! Reclining chairs, beer and a giant movie screen! Godzilla was great! I HAVE to go see it again! The fights scenes were spectacular, I just wish there was more of them! I'm really hoping they'll do a sequel.
This evening, I made homemade high protein granola bars for Gordy. They turned out pretty good, and I don't like granola bars! For the next batch, I'm going to try Frosted Flakes instead of oats, and add brown sugar.
This coming weekend is Burning Bridges! The only person I know for sure that is coming is Kate. Zachary and his friends might come by on Sunday for one night. So if you wanna come out for the weekend, email me and I'll send directions! Booze & BBQ!!!!
Today, I didn't get ANY eggs from my girls! I think it's getting too hot for them. The past two days were 103 & 106. Today was super windy (as it seems it has been for the past month!), so it wasn't that hot. Summer is DEFINITELY here! WhooHoo!!!!