Yesterday, I spent most of the day in the Greenhouse, planting seeds. My old seeds haven't been sprouting, so I spent $25 for new seeds. Hopefully, I'll get some plants. But it's always a challenge with Jack!
Gordy is still working 6 12hr days. So far all the overtime has gone to fixing the van. Thankfully he had the overtime, otherwise we'd be screwed.
Well, we've lost 2 dogs. Mustard and one of the puppies I called Chubbies. He was so cute with blue eyes. 2 dogs in 4 days could mean trouble. It could be coyotes, snakes, mountain lion, fox or even bobcat. Or killed by a burro. But I haven't found any bodies. And I haven't heard coyotes for a long time. I doubt it would be a bobcat and I haven't seen any mountain lion tracks. Plus both seemed to have disappeared during daylight. So maybe snakes, and then coyotes take the bodies? I just don't know. Maybe Chupacabra......
R.I.P. Mustard and Chubbies